Prototyping Computational Publishing for Culture

An NFDI4Culture and COPIM collaboration

by Simon Worthington


Published by:

Last updated: 2023-02-22

Created: 2022-10-11

Language: English (United Kingdom)

Created by: Simon Worthington

Example Test Publication
Work Plan - Oct 22

Use case

Proof of concept publication on a computational publishing platform.

Motivation: Can 'computational publishing platform' act as a authoring and querying tools for LOD sources. Most cultural digital databases are presented in the mode of a database engineering - can the platforms act as story telling (presentation) layers directly drawing from and connected to the LOD sources.

Presentation of CdBB content based on LOD work by NFDI4Culture 'Semantic annotation for 3D cultural artefacts' MVP content: Baroque ceiling painting and frescos Germany from the existing barocken Deckenmalerei in Deutschland (CbDD) collection.

Baroque ceiling painting in Germany

CdBB NFDI4Culture MVP: 'Semantic annotation for 3D cultural artefacts'

Video and slides

Video - MVP

Video -

Slides -

About MVP and data - Semantic annotation for 3D cultural artefacts: About our MVP

GitLab -

Source content: The Dinning Room -



  1. What computational platforms work for publishers?

  2. What's interesting for readers in computational publishing platform?

  3. Road testing platforms: using digital objects; performing LOD queries and visualization; usability, suitability for publishers, readers, and authors?


Computational Platforms

Work on both at the same time as code should work in each platform set:

Objects and processes

Prioritize the following:

Round one content processing would be so that we can demo the platforms to CbDD researcher and get their feedback:

Source content: The Dinning Room -


Data model -

All items with LoD - stored by team MVP

3D models -

Manual, bulk, automatic LOD and media upload process - get info from

Open Refine term disambiguation guide -

Semantics Explainer -

Blogpost from #semanticClimate for LOD explainer -

Computational Platforms Comparison

The idea is to see if computational publishing platforms could be used as presentation platforms for authors to create publication from LoD collections.

The use case is in architecture with content from the collection of Baroque frescos and ceiling painting in Germany held by the Barocke Deckenmalerei in Deutschland CbDD.

This test use case is based on work being done by Task Area 1 and 5 - TIB/OSL team who are working with the CbDD.

Currently most digital heritage archives are obscured by often necessary database models of presentation - adding an autoring layer to these collection using computational publishing would add useful way to work with these collections.

The antcipated outcomes are:

  1. Using the platforms is a way of rapid prototyping the features you would want in a real-time editor that could access LoD APIs, or / and

  2. The platforms could be used in their own rights as editors.

Give example and make demo:


Computational Publishing platform comparison 2022

Platform name

Web address

Example with Die Tafelstube




Jupyter Notebook







Rendered Curvenote and edit mode


To Do

Jupyter Book / Executable Book and

To Do


GitHub demo page

Collection working notes -

Platform 'Academic Markup' tests

These are simple but important tests to see if platforms can handle basic academic markup. A benchmark is already in place here with the ADA Pipeline.


H 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Text markup: bold, emphasis, etc

List types and styles


Citation / change CSL


Test: Digital Objects

Objects and formatting (need to separate out)


Retrieve amount of text from LOD source.

Text from CbDD webpage

Die Tafelstube


Not used here - but we could show off this feature.

Need to find out more about their note and citation style. As it looks mixed.

Thoth biblio info via API

Simon Bowie GitHub

Example outputs

Open Refine disabiguate / reconcile service? Note: not working on localhost.


Currently, look hard coded

ORCID info retrieval for authors, add more roles.

Not used at present


LoD storage MVP

Images also stored with BAdW Source

Figure, Figure caption, List of figures

Currently images have LOD drop down

Image caption

Deep Image zoom


Compakt model

TIB AV Portal video

A related art history video segment could be found.

Leaflet map

Currently Open Street Map is used

Wikidata LOD info: Painting (customize)

Test: Interactive Queries



Wikidata / WikiBase

Show nine images from specific painter. Display as grid. List specific LoD info fields.

Wikidata / WikiBase

Show all castles on Leaflet map with Baroque paintings as per CbDD entries. Allow for change of artists.

Wikidata Term Annotation - AMI (semanticClimate)

CoLab instructions



Sandbox Wikibase -

On the web

Tools list LOD UCLA Library (Oct 22)

Work plan

The idea with the work plan is to deal with small exercised, like adding text and image, then a video and 3D model - and then to work up through from simple objects to more complex objects.

The starting point would be to replicate parts of the catalogue web page Die Tafelstube.

Words 3,800. Characters with blanks 26,976. 14/15 images, LOD per image. Footnotes and references, geolocations.

The first goal would be to have a presentation for CbDD so that they can be engaged in the project, and we can get their input and find out what interests them.

Computational Publishing for Architecture

An X-Sketchbook Research Work Plan

Simon Worthington Email: (NextGen Books – making the future book, TIB )

The work plan is for an experimental publishing prototype as part of the X-Sketchbook project exploring digital publishing for architecture. The project is organised by TIB Open Science Lab and the Bartlett School. The aim of the work programme is to produce a small proof of concept publication containing a set of sample digital objects. It is being conducted in the context of NFDI4Culture — the German Consortium for Research Data on Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage in collaboration with COPIM the Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs project, an international research partnership working on open infrastructures for monographs.

The central question for the project is how can an existing publisher's infrastructures and workflows incorporate computational publishing — the combinations of text and executable code — as applicable to the topic area of architecture.

In addition we will be looking at how 'enhanced publication principles' for open access and FAIR‑publishing can be applied to computational publishing.

#XSketchbook –


computational publishingenhanced publishingopen accessopen science publishingacademic publishinginfrastructureNFDI4CultureNFDIarchitectureopen sourceopen standardslinked open datapublishing from archives

Date: 2022-05-10

© The Authors, Creative Commons: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY SA 4.0)

Working definitions


The utopian vision of computational publishing has inspired us with its promise of a better world through the use of universally interconnected knowledge and learning, and how this might potentially be modelled in forms of digital publishing. Work at PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) and on Kay's Dynabook was taken and made into the products of the personal computer and later the tablet computer. But at the same time, in its more than seventy-five years history, computational publishing itself, as a vision and paradigm, has failed to be realised.

The recent prominence of Jupyter Notebook has shown a promising route for exploring computational publishing further as it offers a substantial and flexible publishing framework that a large number of stakeholders have bought into. Yet applying this to a 'traditional' digital and print book publishing workflow will be challenging, on both technological and socio-cultural fronts. This is one of the aspects we would like to explore in this project.

Architecture offers exciting opportunities for computational publishing and many computational features are already being explored within the field. These include: data visualisations and simulations, for the manipulation of design tools for robotics such as component fabrication, and in the presentation and exchange of ideas in 3D multi-modal-media and on social media platforms.

The following 2019 conference video Ubiquity and Autonomy from the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture gives a clear idea of modern design challenges for architecture.

Enhanced Publishing principles and testing implementation plans can play an important role in contributing to the sustainability and to real-world working models of computational publishing to support its use on monographs and research publications.

Work plan

The overall purpose of the work plan is to produce a sample book for further research of the types of computational objects that could be used in architecture and open up questions for publishers and publishing technologists.

  1. Set up work plan with the communities involved: NFDI4Culture TA4 Data Publishing, COPIM, TIB NFDI4Culture team including NFDI4Culture TA1 'Semantic annotation for 3D cultural artefacts MVP', and others.

  1. Scope: Review the proposed steps with the community.

    1. Select enhanced publishing features to test.

    1. Select architectural computational objects to include.

    2. Define uses cases and personas (users). The use cases will from NFDI4Culture architectural digital heritage projects, and from X-Sketchbook developed with the Bartlett School and TIB Open Science Lab.

    3. Define workflow for publishing infrastructures in use at OBP, and at the ADA Pipeline.

    4. Write an initial blogpost outlining project and possibilities of and issues in computational publishing for monograph publishers (COPIM).

    5. Write a blogpost on 'What is a Computational Book' (COPIM).

  2. Proof-of-concept demo:

    1. Execute part one 'Scope' in the OBP and ADA publishing infrastructures and produce a demonstration of the workflows and example publication outputs. The contents would be technical proof-of-concept examples for demonstration purposes.

    2. The proof-of-concept would be run as a public-facing open demonstration for the purpose of community engagement.

    3. Write blogpost on the role of the publisher in Computational Publishing (COPIM)

  3. Demonstration mockups:

    1. Bring on board two partner projects, the Bartlett and NFDI4Culture from architecture to create demonstration mockups with real publication content.

      1. One mockup would be for contemporary architecture – the Bartlett

      2. One mockup for historical architecture – NFDI4Culture

      3. Write blogpost reflecting on experiences of authors/communities around Computational Publishing (COPIM)

      4. Either organise a stand alone workshop or as part of an NFDI4Culture or COPIM bigger workshop


April/May 2022

September 2022

Oct / Nov / Dec 2022


Planned outputs


Bush, V. (1945, July 1). As we may think. The Atlantic.
Engelbert, D. (1968). The mother of all demos.
Kay, A. (1972). A personal computer for children of all ages. ACM National Conference.
Knuth, D. (1992). Literate programming.
Odewahn, A. (2021, June 19). Computational publishing with jupyter.
Otlet, P. (1934). Traité de documentation : le livre sur le livre, théorie et pratique.
Reagle, J. (2012). Good faith collaboration: the culture of wikipedia.
Twain, M. (1905). King leopold’s soliloquy; a defense of his congo rule.